A father’s job is to praise his daughter; to place her on a pedestal and shower her with love.
A father’s job is to tell his daughter each day how wonderful she is and how proud he is of her.
A father’s job is to tell his daughter how much he loves her and how thankful he is to be her father.
A father’s job is to support and encourage his daughter to be the person that she wants to be and to let her know that he will be there for her – no matter what.
A father’s job is to help his daughter believe in herself; in her talents and abilities; and to help her bring her best and true most self out into the world.
A father’s job is to love and respect the mother and to provide his daughter with a clear example of how a man should treat his partner.
A father’s job is the mother’s job – it is the work of all parents.
A father’s job is the most rewarding – the best job in the world!
Graham De Silva
Myself, and I’m sure Jani too, are overwhelmed by your prose. I enjoy, get rewarded, and humbled, reading your messages. Keep on doing what you do well. God bless you and your family.
Indika De Fonseka
Hey Graham Aiyya, thank you so much for that! It is I who am humbled by your kindness and generosity. Thank you for reading and for your words of encouragement. They mean the world to me. Take care and much love, Indika