Hi and welcome!
My name is Indika and I have a dream that I’m very passionate about.
I dream of a happier world – a world where people are happy and humanity is thriving together as one family.
Not only do I believe that this happier world is possible, but I also believe that it is much easier to create than most people would imagine.
Let me explain…
Today, most people understand that what we choose to think and believe have the power to affect every aspect of our lives, including our feelings, our health, our relationships and even our work.
So, when we work on becoming happier as individuals, by deliberately choosing to think positive and empowering thoughts, and then act on them; we automatically change our lives for the better.
And then, when enough people do this, we will automatically transform our world.
It’s simple and it’s well within our control.
We have the power. We just have to choose to use it.
And that is my main aim in writing this blog: to inspire people to use their power and to show them how, so we can create a happier world together.