This is a topic to which entire libraries would need to be devoted, and tackling it is probably a fool’s errand. But here I am…
And so, I ask for your patience while I do my very best to still deliver something useful and sensible within the confines of this short post.
With that said, let’s get back to the subject of creating a happier world.
To start with, I’d like to tell you that there’s good news, and lots of it! But there’s also some bad news.
The Good News
The good news is that, at least from my honest perspective, this is entirely doable. It’s well within our power to create a happier world.
And it doesn’t require that we take on the heavy burden of fixing all of the world’s problems.
All that is required is that we change ourselves.
And that’s the bad news.
The Bad News
Not only is personal change incredibly hard at times, but there is no finish line.
The minute you think you’ve gotten somewhere, something comes along and you find that you’re back to square one! And you have to be ok with that and be willing to show up and keep trying.
For these reasons, I’ve found that it’s much easier to advise others and tell them what to do than it is to change myself!
More Good News
Jokes aside, while change can be hard sometimes, the good news is that we still can change. It’s never beyond our ability or ever too late for anyone.
And since the ‘change’ we’re talking about here is becoming happier as a person, the pay off is that we get to be happier, more often.
Not only that, this will have the knock on effect of improving every aspect of our lives, including our health and relationships.
So, it is by far the most worthwhile and rewarding thing that anyone can do for themselves and others.
But where do we start?
Change Starts from Within
To create a happier world, we only need to become happier individuals.
Let me explain…
In a previous post entitled How Reality Works and Why We Fail, I explained that our outer world is a reflection of our inner world, that we’re all aspects of the One Consciousness and how we’re all connected to all of creation.
Therefore, when we change on the inside, we not only change ourselves, we change all of creation.
And so, to change the world, we only need to change ourselves. And that too, only at an inner level, to begin with.
In time, these changes will automatically come to be reflected in our outer reality.
Not only that, since the Law of Attraction adds momentum to everything, it will create a snowball effect that causes even more positive changes.
And thus, planetary transformation is inevitable, when we begin to change ourselves.
This is probably why the Sufi poet Rumi said:
Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.
In the coming posts, I will share more insights relating to happiness and inner transformation, and also some processes to help create more happiness in your life.
Until then, take care and do whatever you can to make yourself happier, because you now know that when you do this, you’r helping to create a happier world for everyone!
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