The Field

waves of light

‘Behind every atom of this world hides an infinite universe.’


Many spiritual traditions hold at their core the idea of a Divine Field of Consciousness, from which all of creation springs forth.

Take for example the concept of ‘Brahman‘ from the Hindu religion–the idea of the One Cosmic Mind or Consciousness that contains all of creation.

Many other popular traditions, such as Metaphysics and Hermeticism, also reflect this understanding in their concepts of ‘Source’ and ‘All That Is.’

According to these traditions, everything originates from this Source, and ultimately, returns to It.

All people, events and things are connected together through this Field of Consciousness, across all of time and space.

And you and I are part of It.

As we will discover, these ideas have some staggering implications for human potential and for our future.

The Implications

The first implication that follows is that we, as individuated aspects of the One Consciousness, have the ability to access and read the information contained in this Field.

Accordingly, we can potentially even access events that took place long before our birth; events that will occur long after our deaths, and events in the present that are happening in far off places (see the section on Remote Viewing below).

Also, since the Field is the repository of all knowledge and information, through it, we can access the answers to all of our questions and the solutions to all of our problems.

And if that wasn’t enough, the other, and even more profound implication, is that we can also influence and re-write that information with our consciousness!

So, not only do we have the power to access and observe these events, we also have the power to influence their outcomes and alter their trajectories.

What Science Says

Science seems to be catching up and coming to a similar understanding–especially within the field of quantum physics.

This could be why the Nobel Prize winning physicist Neils Bohr said,

‘If quantum mechanics hasn’t profoundly shocked you, you haven’t understood it yet.’

Quantum physicists talk of a Zero Point Field (also called the Quantum Vacuum) which can be described in similar terms to the ‘Brahman’ of the Hindus, and the ‘Source’ and ‘All That Is’ of other traditions.

It is a field with ‘nothing’ in it but is still not ’empty’. It is seething with energy fluctuations and with quantum particles flickering in and out of existence. And all matter originates from this Zero Point Field.

Some scientists believe that we may one day be able to harness unlimited energy from the Zero Point Field.

Noble Prize winning physicist, Max Planc summarised the connection between the Field of Consciousness and physical reality as follows:

‘All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together.
We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.’

Quantum ‘Spookiness’

Phenomena in the quantum world such as ‘quantum entanglement’ and ‘non-locality’ help to further reinforce the ideas held by spiritual traditions.

Quantum entanglement is where two quantum particles become entangled or joined in some way, they stay connected through time and space.

Non-locality is a term which describes the phenomena where quantum particles that are once entangled behave as if they’re not separated, even though they might be separated by distances of thousands of miles.

A stimulus applied to one particle has an instant effect on the other, with no delay of time to account for the distance. These responses are thought to happen at speeds faster than the speed of light!

While such phenomena might seem unusual according to the laws of standard physics and our understanding of how the universe usually works, it becomes easy to explain when you factor in the Field.

The Science of Mind Influencing Matter

As I detailed in my post: Scientific Evidence That Proves We Create Our Own Reality, the work of other scientists, such as that of Robert G. Jahn of Princeton University’s PEAR laboratory has shown that human consciousness can influence physical events though clear intention, and that it can do so even at a distance.

Psychic Spies

The work of scientists Russell Targ and Harold (‘Hal’) Puthoff in the field of Remote Viewing has demonstrated the ability of humans to remotely access information about specific locations.

My belief is that remote viewers are able to access this information because the Field acts as a cosmic wifi.

Since all information is contained within the Field, when humans are able to tune into it, they are able to retrieve information from It.

The Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) ran a remote viewing project from 1972-1977. Both Targ and Puthoff were involved in this project.

This was followed up by a project run by the Defence Intelligence Agency (D.I.A), codenamed ‘Star Gate’ and later renamed ‘Grill Flame’ which ran from 1985 into the 1990s.

While we may not come to know all the details surrounding these operations, a declassified report dated 22nd September 1995 by the American Research Institute titled ‘An Evaluation of The Remote Viewing Program: Research and Operational Applications‘ confirms at page two of the Executive Summary that:

‘A statistically significant laboratory effort has been demonstrated in the sense that hits occur more often than chance.’

What I gather from this is that more of the trials were successful than if it were simply a matter of lucky guesses or chance.

On a lighter note, the movie, ‘The Men Who Stare at Goats, offers a fun and lighthearted glimpse into some of these operations.

Some Concluding Thoughts

And so, while science and the mainstream have been somewhat slow to catch on, there is no denying that there is an ever-growing body of evidence pointing to the existence of this Field of Consciousness, its magical properties and our ability to communicate with it.

I have come to understand that the key to interacting with the Field, and to reading and influencing It, lies in our emotions and our intuition.

This is what excites me the most and is what I would like to share with you in future posts.

This post then, is a primer to pave the way for those posts which will relate to more specific areas of this fascinating subject.

I hope I have managed to pique your interest and that you would like to learn more about The Field and about your magical abilities in relation to It.


Once again, many of the ideas discussed in this post are based on the work of author Lynne McTaggart and her wonderful books, ‘The Field’ and ‘The Intention Experiment’.

I would strongly encourage you to check out her work and her public talks on Youtube.

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