The Law of Attraction

lighthouse signalling in the darkness

‘The law of attraction is most understood when you see yourself as a magnet getting more and more of the way you feel.’
–Abraham and Hicks

There is just one more topic we must explore before we can move on to consider how we can deliberately change and influence our reality.

That is: the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is a spiritual ‘law’ that has been expressed in different ways throughout the ages.

The adage that ‘Birds of a feather flock together’ is one of the more common ways in which this idea is expressed.

The Algorithm Analogy

An easy to way to understand what the Law of Attraction is and how it works is to look to the world of computers.

The Law of Attraction is like an algorithm that helps to organise things within our physical reality.

And just like the algorithms on social platforms, the Law of Attraction gives/shows us more of whatever we’re giving our attention to.

The Law of Vibration

This is yet another spiritual law and states that, ‘Everything is in a state of vibration’.

This idea becomes clearer if you replace the word ‘vibration’ with ‘energetic signal’ or ‘frequency’.

So while everything and everyone in the universe is emitting an energetic signal or frequency, the Law of Attraction matches up those that are alike and brings them together–very much like a match-making service.

Our vibration or frequency is an energetic signature of who we are–our state of consciousness, and who we’re being at any given moment. And so, it can vary from moment to moment and from subject to subject.

How it Works

It all begins with our thoughts. When we think a thought, another thought like it joins that thought. And as long as we remain focussed, more and more thoughts of a like nature gather together.

Once we reach a critical point of sustained thought, we begin to experience manifestations based on that thought.

At first, it could be just a feeling.

Then, it could be an impulse to act.

At the same time, we’d also see examples of what we have been thinking about, or we’d see people, places, things and events relating to it.

These could be the synchronicities and meaningful ‘coincidences’ we often experience.

And if the momentum continues for long enough, we begin to experience directly, the things we have been thinking and feeling about.

The following points will help to further clarify how this works in practice:


Just like an algorithm on a social media channel, the Law of Attraction serves up more and more of what we pay attention to. I mentioned this before but it bears repeating as it is so important and yet so often overlooked.

The key word here is attention.

And we get more of what we give our attention to–whether it is what we say we want or what we don’t want.

Eventually, our attention draws the object of our attention into our experience. And the cycle continues as long as we continue to focus our attention on whatever it was.

So if we want things to change, we have to change where we focus out attention.

And it doesn’t matter if we’re focussing our attention deliberately or unconsciously (through habit), the Law is always working and delivering the corresponding results in a consistent way.


It is said that more than just our mere thoughts, it’s our feelings (positive or negative) that determine our vibration and the signal we’re emitting.

This makes sense because sustained and focussed thought of any nature will evoke a feeling within us.

So we get to experience more of what we feel strongly about–positive or negative!

In Practice

As humans, we’re always thinking and feeling. And so, we’re always emitting a signal. And the Law of Attraction is always responding.

But we’re often thinking about what we don’t want. And we’re also thinking mainly about the lack or absence of what we do want.

A Spiral of Unnecessary Suffering

Since most of us tend to think about what we don’t want, we get more of it, and we also get more lack and absence of what we want.

The cycle continues and we go on suffering, creating misery for ourselves and others.

It’s a shame because all of this is unnecessary.

Why create the same thing over and over again, when we have the power to change our thoughts?

And why continue to suffer, when we have so much freedom to choose what we focus our attention on?

Why, create misery for ourselves and others, when we possess the ability to change our beliefs?

Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the cycle is simple, but not not necessarily easy: we must begin to consciously use our power, so we can get more of what we do want. A happier world demands that we do.

And so, this is another fundamental shift that humanity has to make at this time in order to graduate to Human 2.0.

We can’t create a happier world by pushing against what we don’t want.

We’re not going to get there by hating or complaining.

And we’re not going to get there by dwelling on the bad news and negative programming that is constantly fed to us.

We have to learn to be the calm at the centre of every storm.

We have to learn to focus doggedly on what we do want to see and experience, regardless of what is going on around us.

As you can appreciate, this can be incredibly hard to do. And for most of us, it means a 180 degree change in our orientation.

It’s something we have never been taught to do, but it’s what we have to learn to do now, if we truly want change.

When we do, we’ll enjoy the happiness that comes from knowing true peace and security. And the world will be a happier and more peaceful place as a result.

In the next post, we will look at the ways in which we can harness the power of our intention and the Law of Attraction to create a happier world.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to learn more about the Law of Attraction and how you can use it to enhance your life, I strongly recommend the resources linked below.


Much of what I have shared in this post and elsewhere on my blog is based on the work following authors and the resources mentioned below.

The Secret was a wonderful introduction to the ideas and concepts discussed in this post.

Each of the teachers featured in this work has a wealth of knowledge and information to share and I recommend checking them out individually.

The Teachings of Abraham and Hicks provide a very simple and easy way to further understand and apply the Law of Attraction. I can’t recommend them highly enough!

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