
Love is much more than romance or affection. It encompasses many other positive states and feelings including passion, enthusiasm and care. Love is truly our superpower and living from the heart and the soul is the key to unleashing this phenomenal power.

  • How to Tap Into the Power of Love

    How to Tap Into the Power of Love

    Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

    So, you’ve read my previous post, understood the phenomenal power of love and want to know how you can tap into this superpower.

    The truth is, you always knew, But I’m more than happy to provide a reminder.

    The key to tapping into the power of love is to live from the heart.

    Love is Our Default State

    Just like happiness, love is our default state and is always there, ready to bubble up inside us.

    We just have to remove (or reduce) the things that take us away from love.

    And there is just one culprit that is responsible for all the unloving thoughts, feelings and states we feel: it’s our ego mind.

    The Ego: The Troublemaker

    As I mentioned in another post (Ego Vs Soul), the ego is mostly fear-based. And the ego also loves attention.

    It wants to feel important. And so, if allowed, it will completely hijack and dominate our life experience.

    The ego is the culprit that is responsible for the endless stream of fear-based chatter that many of us mistake for ourselves.

    All the judgment, criticism, comparisons and self-loathing come from this one source.

    So there is no way we should be letting this troublemaker run our lives!

    But many of us do, (myself included).

    Living From the Heart and Soul

    Living from the heart and soul is the key to tapping into the power of love.

    This requires two things:

    1. Being aware of the ego’s chattering and learning to minimise it; and
    2. Cultivating a stronger connection with the heart and the soul.

    The soul is who we really are. It is wise beyond anything the ego could ever dream of, and it speaks to us through our hearts, in the language of love and intuition.

    How to Minimise the Ego

    Do the things that cultivate a stronger connection with the heart and the soul. See below.

    How to Cultivate a Stronger Connection with the Heart and the Soul

    This is the ‘meat and potatoes’ of this post. It’s also the fun part!

    Here’s a non-exhaustive list of things, in no particular order:

    • Meditate
    • Practice self-love
    • Practice gratitude
    • Practice appreciation
    • Practice forgiveness
    • Do something creative
    • Exercise
    • Listen to uplifting music
    • Sing
    • Dance
    • Play
    • Spend time with children and go into their world
    • Play an instrument
    • Make art
    • Make love
    • Hug someone
    • Spend time in nature
    • Spend time with your family and friends
    • Spend time with your pet
    • Spend time daydreaming

    I’ll be writing posts about many of the above, so if you wanted any detailed instructions, just hang tight.

    Love = Happiness?

    You probably noticed that the above things are also the very things that promote happiness and wellbeing.

    And that’s no coincidence!

    That’s just how our universe works.

    And so, we do well when we align ourselves with the way things work and go with the flow, rather than struggling upstream against it.

    Over the years, I have slipped up and done less and less of these things. And my life experience changed to reflect this.

    I won’t go into detail but let’s just say that it sucked to be me between 2019 and 2025!

    But I’ve learned my lesson, and I’m back with a vengeance, to live, practice and write about the things I now know are hugely important.

    But moving on… I have a surprise for you.

    I saved the very best for last!

    The Very Best Way to Tap into the Power of Love

    And drumroll, please…

    The very best way to tap into the power of love is to give love.

    Giving love is the best way to feel more of it and bring it more into our lives.

    We need to love. And we need to give love.

    As humans, we come programmed to love and care.

    Leon–A Love Story About a Hitman and His Plant

    Ever watch the movie, Leon? It’s a story about a hit man.

    Leon is a solitary character–no real friends or family. Just the guy that acts as the go-between and handles the business side of things for him.

    But even Leon had to love something.

    And so he fawned and fussed over a plant.

    Even on his busy hitman schedule, Leon took a great deal of time and care to clean its leaves. And he always made sure the plant got enough water and sunlight.

    My apologies to young Mr. C. Darwin, but I strongly believe that this capacity for love, and our need for love, is actually what allows us to be successful as a species.

    How to Give Love

    Care. Care. Care!

    Care about your dreams and desires. Care about your happiness and wellbeing. Care about your hobbies and passions. Care about wanting to serve others. Care about making things better in some way.

    And give.

    Give. Give. Give!

    Give thanks. Give kindness. Give help and support. Give care. Give forgiveness. Give patience. Give attention. Give thought to the things that really matter in life.

    Give, but not from a place of sacrifice or resentment.

    As spiritual teacher Abraham says,

    ‘You can’t serve from an empty vessel.’

    So self-care comes first. And you must give to yourself before you can give of yourself (that’s an original by the way).

    But giving works!

    Lynne Mc Taggart, author of the Intention Experiment and many other great books, ran intention groups.

    She called these the ‘Power of Eight‘ groups, as there were eight participants in each group.

    The aim of these groups was to send healing intention to people who were unwell.

    But what shocked Lynne and her participants was that, even though they were focussed on giving, they all ended up getting some sort of unexpected benefit back in return.

    A lady with chronic pain had her pain disappear.

    Another lady, who had retinal damage, had her vision restored to 20/20!

    Lynne calls it the ‘mirror effect’ because what we give out is being reflected back into our life.

    And that, my friends, is the power of giving!

    I will close this post with a quote from Dr. Wayne Dyer:

    The more we demand from the universe, the more is demanded of us. The more we give away, the more is given to us.

    Dr. Dyer clarified by pointing out that the Universe listens to what we say and the Law of Attraction responds in kind.

    So when we say ‘Gimme, gimme, gimme’, the Universe also says, ‘Gimme, gimme, gimme,’ back to us.

    But when we say ‘How may I serve?’ the Universe says ‘How may I serve?’ to us instead!


  • Why Love is Your Superpower

    Why Love is Your Superpower

    When humans truly discover the power of love, it will prove more important than the harnessing of fire.
    ––Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

    Love is like sunshine. It’s life-giving and helps everything to blossom and grow.

    We all need it. But we don’t always have enough of it in our lives.

    And sometimes, we even forget how important it is.

    And as with sunshine, a lack of love in our lives can have some serious negative consequences, not only for ourselves, but also for the world around us.

    But the good news is that we always have the power to choose. And so, we can always choose to let love in.

    And to the extent that we do, every area of our life benefits as a result.

    But before we look at why love is your superpower, and how it can supercharge every area of your life, let’s get clear on what love actually is.

    Is Love the Same as Affection?

    When we hear the word love, our minds automatically conjure up images of couples who’re in love, or of friends, family, or pets.

    This is because we equate love with affection.

    It’s true that love includes affection. But as we will soon discover, it is much more than that.

    To understand the nature of love more fully, it is helpful to understand its opposite, so let us do that.

    Love Vs Fear

    There are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear.
    ––Elizabeth Kubler-Ross

    This quote echoes a popular belief that love and fear are the two primary emotions. This view treats all other emotions as offshoots of either love or fear.

    Fear takes many forms, including: divisiveness, separation, lack-based thinking and poverty-consciousness, extreme competitiveness, control, manipulation, envy, neglect, apathy, indifference, pessimism, hatred and so on.

    Fear is a contractive force.

    Love, on the other hand, manifests itself as unity-consciousness, harmony, cooperation, freedom, abundance, care, passion, enthusiasm, optimism, gratitude, appreciation, empathy, compassion and so on.

    And love is expansive.

    As you can now appreciate, love doesn’t always relate to affection, or to being ‘lovey-dovey.’

    It encompasses many other feelings and states.

    Why Love is a Superpower

    We’re spiritual beings having a human experience.

    But when we’re in spirit (and not incarnated as humans), love and joy are our true states of being.

    So when we feel love and joy, while in human form, we’re allowing our true Divine nature to shine forth.

    This has two major implications.

    The first is that, when we’re in a state of love, we’re allowing spiritual energy to flow freely through us.

    We feel good.

    Spiritual teachers Abraham and Hicks teach that this is because we’re opening our ‘spiritual valves’ and allowing Source energy to flow freely through us.

    And when charged with this Divine energy, we become stronger.

    Our physical health and mental wellbeing both benefit.

    We don’t get tired so easily, and we’re able to accomplish much more than usual, and with less effort.

    We’re more clear-minded and optimistic.

    We’re also more creative and have better ideas.

    Most importantly, our capacity for life and our capacity for enjoying life are enhanced, exponentially.

    The second implication is that, since we’re on a closer frequency to Source, we become more powerful.

    We’re able to communicate more clearly with The Field.

    The power of our intentions is amplified.

    And our capacity to receive useful information through our intuition is boosted.

    We’re more successful–with far less effort.

    That’s because synchronicities and unforeseen opportunities allow us to manifest our heartfelt desires with ease.

    And we experience more magic and miracles, as a result.

    Therefore, we could say that:

    Love = High Vibes

    If you struggle to imagine what being on a high vibe frequency is like, just think back to a time you were in love.

    What was it like? How did you feel?

    Joyful, ecstatic, strong, powerful and invincible, perhaps?

    And for most of us, very little of what went on around us had the power to bring us down, when we were feeling this way.

    But that’s still lovey-dovey and not superpower-ish enough.

    So, let’s look at some other examples which show us how powerful love can be.

    The Granny Who Lifted A Car

    It has been said that love can move mountains.

    While we’re a little short in terms of documented evidence on that front, I can happily tell you that we do have evidence to show that love can move cars.

    Let’s go back in time to 1977, to Tallahassee, Florida, and to the home of 63 year old Laura Schultz.

    The story I[m about to share is said to have first appeared in the National Enquirer.

    It was later covered in Jack Canfield‘s book, ‘The Success Principles,’ and Jack writes at page 44:

    ‘In 1977, in Tallahassee, Florida, Laura Shultz, who was 63 at the time, picked up the back end of a Buick to get it off her grandson’s arm. Before that time, she had never lifted anything heavier than a 50-pound bag of pet food.’

    By researching this story a little more, I learned that Laura had been at home with her six year old grandson that day, while her husband had gone out.

    Unbeknown to Laura, her grandson had been playing outside with a ball and crawled under their car to retrieve it.

    The car was under repair at the time, and was propped up on supports.

    While underneath the car, Laura’s grandson had accidentally dislodged one of the supports and the car fell, trapping his arm under its weight.

    Hearing her grandson’s cries for help, the frail and slightly-built lady rushed out to his aid.

    Without thinking, she simply lifted the back of the car with one hand, while dragging her grandson out with the other!

    Talk about superpower! What an amazing lady!

    But onto our next story. This time, set in Iraq, during the first Gulf War of 1991.

    Colin Armstrong and Bravo Two Zero

    Colin Armstrong (a.k.a. Chris Ryan) was a member of Britain’s elite military unit, the Special Air Service Regiment, or SAS.

    Colin was part of an eight-man team that was airlifted into Iraq to gather intelligence ahead of the US and its Coalition’s invasion of Iraq.

    But shortly after arriving in Iraq, things started going horribly wrong for the team.

    In the ensuing chaos, Colin became separated from the rest of his team.

    Sadly, all the others either perished or were captured.

    But Colin managed to escape to neighbouring Syria, travelling 190 miles on foot.

    He encountered many difficulties, including radiation poisoning, and his trek took him eight long days to complete.

    This is considered the longest escape and evasion by any soldier within the SAS and the British military.

    Colin was awarded the Military Medal ‘in recognition of gallant and distinguished services in the Gulf in 1991.’

    According to Colin, what kept him going, despite all the challenges he faced, was his determination to get back home and see his two year old daughter, Sarah, again.

    And so, Colin’s story reminds us once again what a strong motivator love can be, and how it can help us to unleash the true power that lies within all of us.

    But let’s move on from the dust and heat of the Middle East to sunny California, and meet our next set of heroes.

    Silicon Valley Billions

    The Apple Computer Co (a.k.a. Apple Inc and Apple) grew from a small home-based business, that catered to computer hobbyists, to an international tech giant.

    It created multiple millionaires when it went public in 1980. And decades later, it consistently tops the list as the most valuable company in the world.

    But what made Apple what it is today?

    Retracing its history, it becomes clear that it was the ‘love’ of the people behind it, and of three men in particular, that led to the creation and phenomenal growth of the company.

    Let’s see who they are.

    Act I. Enter Stephen Gary Wozniak (Steve Wozniak, or ‘Woz’).

    Steve Wozniak

    Apple’s co-founder, Steve Wozniak, loved computers.

    But he couldn’t afford to buy one.

    So he simply built one.

    And launched a revolution in home computing in the process!

    Wozniak’s home-brewed machine is what led to the creation of the Apple Computer Co and the Apple I.

    But initially, Woz couldn’t even afford the parts to design and test-build prototype. So he kept designing and iterating on paper!

    He constantly challenged himself to re-design the machine using as few components as possible, in order to keep costs down.

    And when he finally finished it, Woz being Woz, and being such a lover of people and computers, wanted to give away all the plans for free.

    He wanted to teach and help anyone who was interested, to build a copy of the machine for themselves.

    But someone he knew had a better idea. It was to set up a company and make money selling computers!

    Enter Steven Paul Jobs (Steve Jobs, or ‘Jobs’).

    Steve Jobs

    Unlike Woz, Steve Jobs wasn’t enamoured with computers, or with sharing technology for free.

    His true love was business: creating and bringing great products to market.

    And, as we all know, despite his early hiccups, Jobs proved that he was a genius in his own right when it came to this subject.

    Jobs wanted more than anything to create a company that created and sold products that were ‘insanely great.’

    He wanted to ‘make a dent in the universe!’

    It’s this passion for creating well-designed products and providing a fantastic customer experience that led to Apple’s ultimate triumph.

    And although Woz played a vital part in Apple’s early days, it was someone else that helped Jobs achieve some of his biggest triumphs.

    It was someone who shared his fanatical obsession with creating the best possible products. Someone who also cared equally about about simplicity, and seemingly unimportant details.

    Enter Sir Jonathan Paul Ive (Jony Ive, or ‘Jony’).

    Jony Ive

    Jony didn’t particularly care about computers, or building mega-corporations.

    But he did care very deeply about good design and doing things well. And this was where his particular genius lay.

    The two met when Jobs returned to Apple as interim CEO and hit it off immediately.

    Jony is one of the very few people who could wow and impress Jobs––and that’s saying a lot!

    He quickly rose to the rank of Chief Designer and became Jobs’ right hand man.

    And when it came to design choices and budgeting, it was more or less a case of, ‘anything Jony wants, Jony gets.’

    The two men poured their time, energy, love and care into creating products that were beautifully designed, easy to use, and had stellar build-quality.

    They brought us the iMac, the MacBook, the MacBook Air, the iPod, the iPhone, the iPad and so much more.

    Together, they changed the way we live and communicate.

    They made a dent in the universe.

    And it was all down to love!

    There are so many quotes I could use to illustrate this point, but I think this one from Jony sums up the Jobs/Ive ethos perfectly:

    ‘I want to buy from somebody who’s fanatic, not indifferent. You know they’re going to put that amount of care into the details.’

    Care (a.k.a love) was what mattered the most and it was at the heart of everything they did.

    Concluding Thoughts

    We’ve gone from a granny performing superhuman feats of strength, and a soldier surviving the horrors of war, to entrepreneurs making billions––and all through the power of love.

    So I hope that you now understand why love is your superpower.

    In my next post, I’ll cover some ideas on how you can harness this power to create a happier life experience and make your dent in the universe.
